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Information for New Comers
The Students of MBA 1st Semester session 2013 are hereby informed that Library Enrolment Form is available in the Library on Circulation Desk. forms should be filled and submitted back to the library along with a passport size photo.The students will be issued a library borrower card for using the library.

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Library Rules


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1. Membership of the IMS Library is open to

a. faculty members including those appointed on contract or on part-time basis or have visiting- faculty status;
b. Administrative and ministerial staff on the payroll of the Institute;
c. Bona fide regular students of the Institute, and
d. Members of the Statutory Bodies of the Institute.

2. A member can avail the services of the IMSciences library subject to the rules given below in addition to those especially applicable to him/her under the category to which he/she belongs.

  • Library Membership Card will be issued to each library member student and Visiting faculty, which must be presented when borrowing/returning books or availing any other service of the library.
  • The library membership card is non-transferable.
  • The loss of the library membership card must be promptly reported to the librarian. The duplicate card will be issued only with the permission of the Director/Joint Director/Deputy Director and on payment of the prescribed penalty.
  • A member borrows books, etc. from the library at his/her own risk and is responsible for any damage to the books while in his/her possession.
  • A member is required to return issued materials by the due date. In case of default, a penalty of Rs. 2/- per day will be charged for each overdue book.
  • Book(s) or any reading material borrowed by a member can be recalled by the librarian prior to the due date of return in case it is needed in the library.
  • Internship / Dissertation Reports can not be issued to anyone including students and members of the Institute. A student or a faculty member can photocopy table of contents from the desired reports only with prior permission from the authorities.
  • In case of loss of any book the member will be required to replace it within the time specified by the librarian, failing which penalty up to three times of the price of the book shall be charged. However, in case of out of print book(s) or books not available in the market are lost the penalty to be charged will be determined by the IMSciences Library Committee.
  • A book, when removed from the library shelf by a member for reading/reference, should not be shelved again; instead it must be left on the table.
  • Newly purchased non-text books and books of general interest are placed under the category of 'NEW ARRIVALS'. These books remain on display for two weeks for browsing. However, the members can place their book requisition request for one specific book during this period, so that they can borrow it after the expiry of the display period.
  • The librarian can refuse to lend book(s) or provide library service to any member who is a defaulter or has not paid the penalty imposed or is not abiding by the rules of the library.
  • If a member has any rightful claim towards the Institute, its settlement will remain pending until the clearance of the library account to the satisfaction of the librarian.
  • A member having any complaint about the library services will promptly bring it into the notice of the Director/Joint Director/Deputy Director in writing for required necessary action.
  • within the library premises the following acts are strictly prohibited:

    1.   smoking.
    2.   taking snacks, tea, soft drinks, etc.
    3.   using cellular/mobile phones, and personal belongings inside the library.
    4.   holding meetings, discussions and making noise etc.

  • Complete silence should be observed except for short and relevant communication with the library staff.
  • Members must provide correct e-mail addresses while filling your library membership form.
  • While returning library books or other reading materials at the circulation desk, please ensure that the circulation staff has returned the book(s).
  • For Annual Stock Verification, the Library services remain suspended for three weeks during summer vacation. The schedule will be notified separately by the Librarian at least ten days in advance.

Lending Rules For IMSciences Regular Staff
The Regular Staff Member means any person engaged by the Institute on ad hoc basis or on contract for at least one year or any member whose term of appointment does not specify any period and his name appears on the regular payroll of the Institute.

To provide library services the IMS Staff is classified into:

    (a)   Faculty Members
    (b)   Administrative Staff
    (c)   Ministerial Staff
    (d)   Lower Cadre Staff
The lending rules for each of the above class are given as under:

Fulltime Faculty

  (a) A fulltime member of the Faculty can borrow two textbooks per course as prescribed for the course(s) he/she has been assigned to teach. He/she can also borrow two books per course falling under the category of supplementary readings. These books can be retained by the member till the end of the semester.
  (b) In addition to (i) above a faculty member can borrow for one month maximum three books of general interest. These books can be renewed if not requisitioned by any other member.
  (c) Total number of books which a member can borrow should ordinarily not exceed ten at one time.
  (d) However, in case a member requires books for academic research or the completion of a special project/assignment, research paper, books exceeding those given in the preceding Para may be borrowed with the approval of the Director/Joint Director/Deputy Director.
  (e)  Members of the teaching staff on Contract are required to return all the books etc issued on their behalf before the expiration of the contract period. The salary for the last month of the contract will be paid on the production of clearance from the Library.

Administrative & Ministerial Staff

A member of the administrative and ministerial staff can borrow up to four books exclusively for personal use which can be retained for a period of one month maximum.

Lower Cadre Staff

A member of the lower cadre staff can borrow two books at one time for a period of fourteen days maximum.For all other purposes the library general rules will apply.

Lending Rules for Visiting Faculty

A member of the visiting faculty is one who has been engaged to teach course/courses for one semester in any academic programme. Such faculty will have full access to the library material and will be able to use the IMSciences library as per rules given below:

      • At one point in time, a visiting faculty member may withdraw two relevant books per course.
      • Books borrowed can be retained for one semester; however, books can be reissued if not requisitioned by any other member.
      • If a Visiting faculty member wishes to utilize the Institute library reading materials, he/she will deposit Rs. 2,000/- as Library Security, which will be refunded after taking proper clearance from the library, when he/she quits.
      • A library Borrower Card will be issued to each visiting faculty member costing Rs. 30/- extra.
      • At the end of the semester, all borrowed books must be returned and clearance be received from the library even if the Visiting faculty member is supposed to be re-engaged to teach the same course(s) in the next semester.
      • The honorarium for the last month of the semester due will be paid only on the production of clearance from the library.
      • For all other matters not covered above, a visiting faculty member will be governed by the same rules as are applicable to the fulltime faculty.

Lending Rules for the Members of the Statutory Bodies

All those who are the members of the IMSciences Statutory Bodies either in ex-officio capacity or through nominations can become members of the library on the terms and conditions as applicable to the administrative staff of the Institute.

Lending Rules for Students

Library Users are expected to observe the following rules while using the library services; any violation of these rules will incur appropriate disciplinary action.

      • Books will be issued to students who fulfill the institute library requirements. Students who wish to avail the library facilities are required to fill up and return the library membership form available at the circulation desk.
      • When borrowing books, a student must present his/her valid Library Membership Card. Without Library Borrower Card books will not be issued.
      • If a student loses his/her library borrower card, he/she must report to the Librarian immediately. The operation of the account of such a student shall be in abeyance until he/she receives a new card. The duplicate Library Card will only be issued with the permission of the Director/Joint Director/Deputy Director and on payment of the prescribed penalty.
      • The Library Membership Card is non-transferable.
      • Textbooks as prescribed by the teacher(s) concerned can not be issued to any student. The students will arrange textbooks recommended by teachers from other available sources.
      • A student can withdraw from the library a maximum of 2 books. These books may be issued for a period of fourteen days but can be reissued provided they are not requisitioned by any other member of the library.
      • Books issued from the library should be returned immediately to the library within the specified time. Failure to return the books in time will entail penalty under the rules. In addition, no books will be issued to the defaulter in the future. Dues if any, must be settled on spot. The overdue charges are Rs. 2/- per day per book.
      • Before borrowing books, members must verify the physical condition of the books. If the books are damaged, he/she must inform the Librarian immediately.
      • If students are going on Short-term visits, project, thesis report or summer vacations they must maintain the schedule of returning the library books. This rule can be relaxed on the recommendation of the Library Committee for books borrowed for a project, thesis report, assignments and general reading in summer vacation.
      • If a student is caught stealing books/reading materials or damaging them, he/she will have to pay the entire cost of the books plus Rs. 500/- as fine charges. The Library Account of such a member will also be suspended for two months in addition to other disciplinary action.
      • All library members including Students and IMSciences Staff will be responsible for the loss of complimentary/donated books and will pay the amount in Pakistani Currency equal to current value of the US dollar or UK pound in case of foreign original edition of the books.
      • It will be the sole responsibility of the borrower to preserve the book and return it to the Library, however, if any student loses/or misplaces book/s, he has to report to the Librarian on the same day. The student shall then be expected to replace the book or pay three times the original cost within a week’s time. If he/she fails to do so, the necessary disciplinary action shall be taken that would include recovery of the cost of the book in addition to the overdue charges as specified in the library rules.
      • If a student overlooks the Library rules, his/her Identity Card will be collected and his behavior shall be reported to the Head of the Institution for initiating disciplinary action.
      • Reference books can not be issued to any member as they are meant to be used within the library premises.
      • For Class lecture and study outside the library, books and other reading materials will not be issued.
      • For all other matters Library General Rules will apply.

Rules for Book Reservation for Students

  • Students who need a certain book not available in the Library may reserve that title. On the arrival of the required book/s, he/she may receive it before other members can borrow it.
  • The reservation forms can be obtained from the Library.
  • Students can reserve only two titles at a time. In case of more than two reservations, the first two titles will be considered while the rest will be automatically cancelled.
  • Books can be collected within a week after arriving
  • Reserved books will be given on loan for 14 days.
  • The students need to place a request for the books on Loan.
  • Students may find the status of their reserved titles at the Library Notice Board
  • If members do not collect books within the said period, reservation may be cancelled.

Library Opening Hours

Opening Hours :                       08.00 am - 08.00 pm
Issue/Return Counter :              09.00 am - 08.00 pm